The Republic of Tatarstan State Museum of Fine Arts
The painting "Frosty Night" is one of the most spectacular works of Nikolay Mescherin. It is done in the manner of pointillism and transmits not only the light of moonlight on the snowy birch, but creates the effect of shining crystals of frost and a play of colors in the star-covered sky at a winter night. Mescherin’s poetic lines from his album of sketches dated 1905 suit this lyrical work:
"Our street snowed down,
Lilac mist runs through the snow.
Passing by I looked into the window
And I realized that I love her for a long time.
I prayed her, lilac haze:
"Just be with me in my corner,
Do not try to get rid of my longing,
Share with me, desired, your own! "
Both in his poems and in his landscape, Nikolay Mescherin tried to convey his feeling, emotions hidden deep inside. Depicting the beauty of Russian nature is at the same time an escape for the artist whose passion for painting did not find sympathy among close relatives, and a kind of escapism into the world without fuss or anxiety.